Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ways to Share the Joy

I have some of H. Jackson Brown Jr.'s books including "Life's Little Instruction Book" and "The Little Book of Christmas Joys". I found an old article from Family Circle magazine that listed "25 ways to share the joy" written by this author. Here are a few of them...
*Mend a broken relationship with a friend or relative during the holidays
*Take a family photo in the same spot each year. You'll have a wonderful record of the
growth of your family.
*Tell your children about Christmas when you were their age.
* Tip someone that doesn't expect it.
* On a clear night, find the bright North Star and recall the story of the Three Wise Men.
* Open Christmas cards as a family each night at the dinner table. Read the messages aloud.
* Write letters to several people who have had a positive influence on you. Thank them for
this gift.
* Don't try to do everything yourself. Remember even Santa has helpers!
* Remember that the greatest holiday gift is a home filled with the people you love.

Gathered From The Garden would like to be one of your helpers. Check out our website for great Christmas gift ideas:

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Crazy Sexy Cancer
Maybe some of you saw this gal on Ophrah. If not, it is an inspiration! Kris is a 31 year old actress and photographer who was diagnosed with incurable cancer in 2003. She has documented her journey from the start turning it into a life quest to find a cure as well as finding herself. It's so worth checking out--so take a few minutes of your time now during this holiday season to see what it means to live a life with courage, strength and awareness. Go to

Once you are there, click on the link on the bottom that says 'the film'.
Another good website to check out:

Monday, December 03, 2007

Lessons From the Farm
Growing up the oldest of 10 children on a farm in central MN was a lot of work but at times a lot of fun too. I learned many lessons that I still heed today.
You're never too old to change gears. I saw my mother get a job outside of our home and my dad leave a tough factory job for a job outdoors on a farm. They both took a chance at change and were successful. The time to make change in your life wasn't 10 years ago or 10 years from now. It's right now. Do what feels like you need to do! ( I am working on an aromatherapy degree.)
Friendships, like good rich soil need tending. Don't lose touch with those people that ground you, give you strength and will be with you through the storms in life.
Find something to nurture and get your hands dirty. Too many of us are caught up in the world of technology which usually keeps us indoors. Take a moment to enjoy the world around you. Plant something, tend it and watch it grow!
Hard work never killed anybody or so my older relatives used to say. Thinking back to working on the farm I learned how to share burdens, use humor to brighten the load and to appreciate a job well done. I learned many skills that helped me to become very self-sufficient.
My parents taught us to persevere and to take pride in what we accomplished. Out of the 10 children in my family, two are doctors, one is a cpa and owns his own business, two others farm together in a huge operation, three are teachers, one runs the marketing dept. of a pharmaceutical co. and one is a finance wizard. Hard work helped all of us get to where we are today. We are very proud of it too!
We are working hard at Gathered From The Garden to help make your Christmas shopping a little easier. Check out our website( for some wonderful products to give to the people on your list. Send us an email to subscribe to our online newsletter:

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Holiday Stress and Your Immune System
The Holiday Season is here along with stress, lots of sugar, and running around shopping. Here are a few ideas to help combat Holiday Stress:

First reduce the amount of sugar you eat during the holidays. It lowers the immune system (1Tb. lowers your immune system for 4 hours).
Second, don't over eat. Socialize while eating so you can digest food slowly instead of over-eating.
Third, Vitamins and Herbs can help. Vitamins such as B-Complex helps reduce stress and increase energy.
Fourth, visit our website: and let us help make your shopping stress-free!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Great Idea!

When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If we pass this message on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get!

A Recovering American Soldier
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington, DC 20307-5001

Monday, November 12, 2007

Presidential Election

Are you tired of presidential debate coverage? The mud slinging is already getting old. I am left wondering if anyone has a real stand on anything. Wouldn't plain ol' honesty be refreshing?

I found this survey on the Minnesota Public Radio website. ( You answer about a dozen questions and at the end of the survey, they show you the candidate that best matches your views on the issues. It is a pretty good tool because it is simple and to the point.

On a lighter note, the only mud that Gathered From the Garden will sling is our fabulous Dead Sea Mud Mask. Check out our website:

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Change Is Good

One of my favorite authors and artists is a woman named Susan Kennedy also known as "Sark". I first saw a poster she had done a few years ago. It had fun and simple ideas to follow and her artwork was cool. Since then, I've gone to her website ( and read some of her books.
I also get her newsletters. The last one was all about change. Change is around us but we don't often think about it. We may change our hairstyle or clothes. Every fall a new tv show line-up appears so we may change the programs we watch. In MN we are aware of change because of our seasons. Most changes around us are pretty subtle.
Sark says that we are basically changing all the time. We just forget to become aware of it and we don't often let others know about changes. She poses the question, "Tell me how you've changed recently?"
I started to think about all of the ways I have changed lately. I have been working on getting certified as an aromatherapist. I've started to rethink how I treat my health. I've lost some weight. My sleep patterns have changed. This exercise took me awhile to do since I was trying to think of significant changes. (unlike my haircolor has changed, etc.)
Sark says we should let others know about our changes. I think to help celebrate them. Not all of my friends/family know about me becoming an aromatherapist. But I should be letting them know that. I've been studying hard and I'll be proud when I finish my coursework. The weight change--well that is something we like others to notice but usually we don't bring up ourselves. I have several family members in the medical field who could probably discuss my sleep patterns with me.
I am going to be interested in finding out how the people important to me have changed. With the holidays coming up--that should be a good time to catch up--especially with family members. I'll have to fill them in on my changes too.
So after reading all of this, here's the question...Tell me how you've changed recently?
A change we made at Gathered From The Garden is to offer our weekly newsletter to all who are interested not just customers. If you are interested in getting our newsletter full of beauty tips, info on products and sales and health topics, email us at

Monday, October 22, 2007

Awesome Women

There is a magazine published in our city called Among Women( Every year they pick 9 women to honor in their magazine--one for each issue. My sister, Mary was chosen to be among these "awesome women". She is an incredible mother, doctor, sister, mentor, wife, musician...and the list goes on and on. I can't think of anyone more deserving.
This past weekend we had a "Women's Expo" in town. At the Expo the "Awesome Women" were invited to come and speak and tell their story. Mary spoke about the women in her life and how they influenced her. She said her life was not extraordinary but that she had been blessed to have extraordinary people in her life.
Another of the "Awesome Women" had us in stitches. However, it was her opening statement that made an impact with me. She started out by saying "I like myself. I really like myself!" She was happy with who she was and proud of it! Boy do I want to be like that when I grow up!! Can you imagine being totally satisfied with your life and who you've become? I think I'm on that path but I don't know that I am totally there yet. Oh well, they say half the fun is in the journey!
Kay also talked about having endurance. Life is going to hand you lots of lemons and it's up to you to make lemonade. Another one of her sayings was. "It's no simple thing to believe..." Believe in yourself, take risks, live life to the fullest!
Another "Awesome Woman" spoke about "the people God entrusts to us". I hadn't thought about that before. Later, I was standing next to my sister-in-law Julie who is such a good person. And I thought, God has entrusted her to me--what a blessing! So many of the people we encounter God has entrusted to us. Do we recognize that as a gift? I'm seeing some of those people in a different light.
Gathered From The Garden would like to think that all of our customers are "Awesome Women" in their own way. Visit our website: to see some great products to pamper the awesome woman in you!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Be a "Green" Goddess

I'm a little late on the Blog Action Day on environmental issues. But I figure, better late than never!!
If we all make one small change it would have a tremendous impact on our planet! Here are some ideas for you. Take one and make a difference!!
Turn off your lights.
Spend more time outdoors. It will remind you of what's at stake.
Pass on the paper towels at home--use cloth instead. Think of the trees you're saving.
Find new uses for old things.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Even my second graders get this.
Use cloth bags instead of paper to carry your groceries. My local store just started offering some pretty cool ones.
Unplug charging devices when you're not using them.
Start gardening. (I love it!) You'll raise nutritional food and cut down on petroleum-based
fertilizers and cross-country distribution use of fuel.
Walk instead of drive whenever you can. Also car-pool I do!
Clean your fridge coils for better productivity. (I'm going to do that as soon as I am done here.)
Wash clothes in cold water.
Buy things that will last.
BYOB of water.

Get the picture? I could list so many more but I think I've given you enough to get started. If you're interested in more, the May 2007 issue of Body & Soul has lots more. Also check out They have daily tips on living green!
At Gathered From The Garden we try to reduce, reuse and recycle every day. Check out our website:

Monday, October 15, 2007

Life Celebrations

We celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday yesterday with an open house party. Her children came together and threw her a wonderful bash. Each used their talents to add to the festivities. One did the floral arrangements and decorations, one put together a video tribute, one wrote of his mother's influence on his life, several took on the task of planning the menu and preparing food, others offered advice and helped with pulling it all together.
It was interesting in the video to see all the events she had celebrated. Weddings, births, anniversaries were all documented in pictures. Even more interesting was seeing the celebration of small events in her life. My mother-in-law is an awesome quilter. There were pictures of her, her quilts and the many people she has gifted with her work. There were pictures of everyday things like a table full of cookies freshly baked, jars of pickles canned. flowers in her yard and loaves of bread baked. I think she is an excellent example of someone "Being their own Goddess!" Her life work has given her much joy!
On another note, we have another reason to celebrate. Our son, Jon, is home safe from Iraq. He is spending some time with us getting some much deserved R & R. He is catching up on family news, enjoying the colors of Fall and filling us in on life over there. All of our prayers were answered. (We still pray for the safe return of the soldiers remaining there.)
Here at Gathered FromThe Garden we are busy enjoying this Fall season and looking ahead to the Holiday season. Check out our website at : To sign up for our weekly newsletter of beauty and health tips and promotions email us at

Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's Really in Our Food?

I have been reading about what is used to make our foods "red". Did you know it could be bugs?
Yikes!! It seems to me that we each deserve to know about the contents of our foods. It came as a little shock to see cochineal as a colorant in the ingredients listing of several foods.
Should this bother me? Cochineal is a natural colorant made from bugs that live on cactus. The most prized of the bugs are the pregnant females, because their bodies hold the most dye. It does makes a lovely dye, and I know of those who are using it that way. Up until the late 1800's it was about the only means of getting a true red. On the other hand, MANY people don't know what the word means.
It turns out that this colorant is also known as carmine and carminic acid. These terms show up on many food products, and even the term "natural colorings" can mean cochineal. Fruit juices, yogurts, popsicles, sauces, sodas, and candies such as Good 'n Plenty! all contain this coloring. I have checked the particular yogurt I eat and thank goodness none of those terms was listed in the ingredients!!
I'm not a huge fan of bugs(especially with our MN mosquitoes), although I do love butterflies, dragonflies and beneficial insects. However, I really don't want them in my food. I think the food companies should be honest and tell us what is REALLY in our food. Don't you?
Here at Gathered From the Garden we only use bugs as stamps/decorations on our bags!
Check out our website:

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters

I don't watch much tv but I do watch these two shows on Sunday nights. Desperate Housewives is just a bunch of fluff but sometimes I just need to veg and watch that. Brothers and Sisters has a little more substance to it I think.
I can relate to Sally Field's character worrying about her son in Iraq. My son Jon just got back from an eight-month stint there. He is a civilian working as an analyst for the marines. He was stationed at Camp Fallujah. Even though he was much safer than most soldiers there, no one is safe in Iraq. I thank the Lord for his safe return and pray for a speedy end to this war.
Do you watch either of these two shows? Which is your favorite? Send us your vote and why you chose that show. Don't watch either one? Which others are your favorites?
Gathered From The Garden has some excellent products that would turn any Desperate Housewife into a Desperately Pampered Housewife! Our Goat Milk Lotion is our best seller. Check out our products at

Friday, September 28, 2007

Stress Management Story

Here is an interesting story author unknown...

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?"

Answers called out ranged from 8 ounces to 20 ounces.

The lecturer replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance.

"In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." He continued, "And that's the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on.

"As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.

"So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can.

"Relax; pick them up later after you've rested. Life is short. Enjoy it!"

Life IS short so let Gathered From The Garden LLC help you manage your stress. We've got some wonderful Bath Teas to help soak away your cares. Check out our website at:

Saturday, September 22, 2007

What Beautiful Eyes You Have...

Have you ever been told how nice you looked, how well you did a task or had someone give you a compliment and you brushed it off? I know I have. I've brushed it off with a glib comment or made some excuse. It seems hard to acknowledge that they might be right.
Why is that? Shouldn't we be proud of what we do or how we look? I think we need to learn how to accept compliments graciously and to believe them! I try to be sincere when I compliment someone and hope they can tell. We can learn a lesson from little children. When I compliment my little granddaughter she will sometimes say, "I know that grandma." She not only accepts my compliment but she truly believes it herself!
I am going to try to be more gracious when someone gives me a compliment. I'm not going to try to belittle it by downplaying it. If someone is kind enough to let me know than I can be kind enough to accept it. When was the last time you really accepted a compliment?
A compliment Gathered From The Garden got recently was from a customer in Colorado. She says "I tried your Lemon Scrub last Sunday and loved it ! I like it better than other scrubs because of the consistency. The butter-like texture within the sugar makes it easier to put on and keep on while you are putting it on your feet and hands..." Well, thank you. We believe our Lemon Squeeze Sugar Scrub is pretty darn good too! Check out our website: for more great products.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's Your Biggest Challenge?
I get a few online newsletters or ezines that I like to read. In one of the lastest newsletters the author discussed her answer to the question "What's your biggest challenge?" She said she didn't have any challenges, which makes her sound kind of loopy. She went on to explain that she has life experiences like the rest of us but chooses not to see them as traumatic or challenging. In each of these events she chooses to think about how it impacted her positively. She doesn't use labels like drastic, traumatic, devastating, etc. If you think you're going to have a terrible day, your day will probably be just that.
I do that with my students. Every morning we have a morning meeting where we greet each other and do an activity to build community. One of the activities we do is to take turns telling the group "today is a good day because...."It gets the kids thinking that their day is going to be a good one. It starts our day off on a positive note. It makes me think about why my day is going to be good too.
I also expect something good to happen every day. At the end of the day when I reflect, I am often surprised by how many good things happened to me. Sometimes they are pretty amazing. Other times it forces me to think about the small things in my day and to see them in a different light. I can honestly say that everyday has something good happening for me.-
Some of the really good things in my day are my contacts with customers. Here at Gathered From The Garden we have some of the greatest folks buying our products. Check out our website and join our fine group of customers!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

I was reading in Better Homes and Garden magazine about a woman who counted up all the days she celebrates in a year and came up with 65! So I thought I would count up all the days that I (we) celebrate. I came up with about 23. I'm thinking she must be celebrating a whole lot of smaller things.
What's wrong with that? We should be celebrating more often I think. I should be celebrating the first day of summer, the first day that I see a tulip or daffodil in the spring, the date of my first date with Jerry (I do remember it!) and other dates that aren't on a calendar but do deserve to be recognized. I'll add to that list the day my son comes home from Iraq!!!
In our busy schedules we don't often make time to focus on the really important things in our lives. So here's a challenge for you. Make time for everyday special days. Even the most laid-back occasions can bring family and friends closer together. What surprising occasions do you celebrate?
Here at Gathered From The Garden we celebrate every time the UPS person delivers goodies for us to use in our products! We hope you celebrate every time you get to use one of our wonderful products. Check us out at:

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Blessing for Your Work

Today was my first day back to school for workshop. As much as I enjoyed the summer there is something about starting a fresh school year. I know there will be lots of ups and downs and times when I will be wishing again for summer! I found this Celtic Blessing for Work and I plan to keep it where I can see it everyday.

Celtic Work Blessing

May the light of your soul guide you.
May the light of your soul bless the work that you do
with the secret love and warmth of your heart.
May you see in what you do the beautyof your own soul.
May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you
and to those who see and receive your work.
May your work never weary you.
May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement.
May you be present in what you do.
May you never become lost in bland absences.
May the day never burden.
May dawn find you awake and alert,
approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises.
May evening find you gracious and fulfilled.
May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected.
May your soul calm, console and renew you.

I hope you remember to play as hard as you work!! At Gathered From The Garden our work seems a whole lot like play because we enjoy it so much. Take a look at our website to see the products we are having fun with:

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Saturday, August 18, 2007


I get a daily inspirational thought from a website I frequent. The last one I got was on patience. I know, I know patience is a virtue but boy it sure is hard sometimes to be patient. I am learning to have more patience as I age. My grandchildren are helping with this. It's hard not to be patient when you are dealing with such precious little ones! I'm learning not to rush things and to just really enjoy my time with them.
I need to work on being more patient in waiting for answers to some of my prayers. God doesn't always work according to my timeline. I am trying to find time to listen and not always be the one doing all the talking/asking.
I thought I would share the inspirational thought about patience with you...

Patience is a virtue and a power too. Patience tells us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and that we get over there one step at a time. Patience teaches us not to rush. Knowing that there is a reason and a season for everything it enables us to smile at the challenges, realizing that there is an answer to every problem. And, even though we cannot see it, yet there is awareness that within every crisis lies an opportunity. (author unknown)

Hopefully this will inspire you to try some patience with the people and situations in your life.
Our son has finally gotten word of when he may leave Iraq. We are hoping for the end of Sept. or early Oct. My patience will be tried as I wait for him to come home. (an answer to prayers--hurray!)
We here at Gathered From The Garden use patience as we try our best to bring you some great products. Try our soothing Bath Teas when your patience is tried and you need to relax. Lavender or Rose scented. Check out our website for more details.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Give A Little Every Single Day

What's the best way to stay healthy? Regular exercise, a low-fat diet, stress management...these are all good but the act of giving can actually add years to our life. Studies have shown that volunteering even beat out exercise when it came to adding longevity!
It all starts with the small acts of giving and making generosity part of your day. It could be leaving a big tip, listening to a friend or letting someone in line ahead of you. The key I think is to see yourself not in need of things from others but to see yourself as the giver of those things. What would you like more of in your life? Friends? Write or call a friend with whom you've lost touch.
We often give to those closest to us and that's a great place to start. But I think we need to look beyond and widen our scope--to send a message that we know there are others in the world in need. One organization that I try to help is the Fistula Foundation--they are helping women in Africa. I feel a need to help other women because I can. (
Look at the daily encounters you have as opportunities for generosity. Try making an effort to give kindness and attention to all the people you interact with. It's going to change your mood and the way people respond to you. An act of kindness is like a pebble thrown in a lake. The ripples continue outward and reach so many others.
In the current issue of Body and Soul Magazine (bodyand
you will find "50 Ways to Give Right Now". This list includes things like "hold the door, give a compliment, tell a joke, pick up trash, surprise someone,teach your children about giving" just to name a few. The list includes some pretty simple ideas that could really impact someone you meet.
Gathered From The Garden has some great products that you could give to someone to make their day. Something as simple as our $2.00 lipbalm! Check out our website for more fun ideas!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

"55" The Speed Limit or Your Age?

My husband turned 55 this past spring. It seemed to be just another number until he started to notice some Senior Citizen discounts applied to him! There seemed to be some perks for growing older and that made him smile. While I am younger than he is, I will be reaching that milestone age soon.
Along with noticing the discounts, I've begun noticing articles written on how to stay healthy as you age. The most recent one I read was about strengthening your bones and joints. Regular exercise pays big dividends for bone health. It can be going to the gym or using workout tapes at home or just getting in a daily walk. Non weight-bearing exercise is good for those with osteoarthritis. (swimming, water aerobics)
Vitamin D is important for preventing osteoporosis as it helps our bodies absorb calcium. We can use 15 minutes of being in direct sunlight a day. (More than that--use sunscreen!) Vitamin D supplements can also be used--check with your doctor first.
Watch what you eat. In addition to providing good fats that can reduce joint inflammation, nuts contain bone-protecting minerals. By substituting nuts for other less nutritious snacks you may maximize the benefits to bones and joints. Walnuts are a good choice because they contain Omega-3's. New research shows that drinking tart cherry juice helps aching pains postexercise. Research has shown that the juice reduces muscle soreness and pain.
Gathered From The Garden has a wonderful "Sore Muscle Relief Lotion." It is very soothing on sore or tight muscles. Check out our website for more info:
I know I am really showing my age when I blog about getting older. :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our Children Grow Up

This summer I have on several occasions had the opportunity to chat about my grown children. I have also had the opportunity to hear about the grown children of friends, acquaintances and relatives. It has been very interesting to see where our kids have ended up! I'd say that all the parents I talked to were very proud of their children's careers and accomplishments. At one point we marveled at the impressive list of places our children had traveled, people they had met and the incredible adventures they were having. So many opportunities for them to explore!
Our children grow up but it's not the end. When my kids first left and we were empty-nesters I felt two emotions. One was a sense of relief--they were on their own. I had given them all the advice they could probably stand and now it was time for them to use it. The other emotion was sadness because I knew our family would never be the same. Their childhoods were passed...
However, it wasn't the end really. It turned out to be the beginning of a new friendship with each one of them as we got to know each other as adults. I couldn't have had this when they were younger and I was their guardian and teacher. It has been so fun to see each one blossom and grow into adulthood. Now we can share adult views on world issues, religion,wine and movies. We can ask them for advice now as our grown children often know more than my husband and I do! What a joy it has been to see them reach adulthood!
Now that my children are grown they use different Gathered From The Garden products. My daughter's favorite product is our Satin and Silk Shea Butter Lotion. Our other daughter likes to use our Raspberry Lemonade Goat Milk and Honey Lotion. Our son is using our Tired Tootsies Foot Powder while he is in Iraq. Check out these favorites and more at:

Monday, July 09, 2007

Pray for Peace

With a son in Iraq, this is my thought for every day. I came across this poem and thought I would pass it along to you...

If there is righteousness in the heart

If there is righteousness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character,
there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.
So let it be.
—Scottish Blessing

Gathered From The Garden LLC would like to bring a little peace to your life with our soothing skin products. Check out our website:

Monday, July 02, 2007

Independence Day

We celebrate our independence from England every July Fourth. It is a great privilege to be liberated and to have freedom. We can carry that independence a little further in our lives. How about being independent and taking some time for yourself? A quiet walk, a glass of wine, a relaxing bath, going to a movie...
Or how about liberating ourselves from all of the "stuff" we own. Sometimes that stuff can take over our lives. Think about simplifying and getting rid of the "stuff" you don't really need. I've read of people who aren't buying anything new for a year. (what willpower!) I've also read that it's a good idea to give away something everyday. (no matter how small) How liberating for me to have some unused space in the house!
How about having fun with your "independent" girlfriends? Get together and celebrate the ability to have fun wherever and however you want. Maybe a special lunch, a shopping date or a spa trip.
Here at Gathered From The Garden we wish you a safe and happy Fourth of July. Many brave people sacrificed so that we could be free to enjoy this day with friends and family!

Friday, June 29, 2007

A Job or Work?

In the summer when I am off from teaching I get to slow down and look around me. In the morning when I go for a walk or to the mall I notice all of the people who aren't fortunate enough to have the summer off. I wonder how many people leave home each morning looking forward to their job or dreading it. Is it a job or is it truly "work"? I think life is too short to have a job that you hate yet many people don't have the choice of leaving.
I saw an inspirational movie about a Down Syndrome fellow who didn't see his employment as "work". He enjoyed it and made sure to connect with each of the customers he came into contact with. Check it out at: It made me think.
For all of you that go the extra mile in your job I applaud you. For all of you that have a job that doesn't bring you joy or satisfaction I encourage you to find one that does. That is not an easy task but I do feel that life is too short not to have a job you enjoy. For all of you that have a job creating art I envy you.
One of my jobs is having fun with making and selling Gathered From The Garden products. Check out our website:
We have some great Satin and Silk Lotion that is perfect to use on summer feet. We also have a light sprayable lotion for summer too. You might want to get one to give someone as a thank you for the great job they do!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

An Inspirational Poem for Father's Day

Here is a great poem to reflect on for Father's Day--from the InspirationalWords of site.

A Motivational Story with Wisdom -
My Father
By Author Unknown

When I was:

Four years old: My daddy can do anything.

Five years old: My daddy knows a whole lot.

Six years old: My dad is smarter than your dad.

Eight years old: My dad doesn't know exactly everything.

Ten years old: In the olden days, when my dad grew up, things were sure different.

Twelve years old: Oh, well, naturally, Dad doesn't know anything about that. He is too old to remember his childhood.

Fourteen years old: Don't pay any attention to my dad. He is so old-fashioned.

Twenty-one years old: Him? My Lord, he's hopelessly out of date.

Twenty-five years old: Dad knows about it, but then he should, because he has been around so long.

Thirty years old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he's had a lot of experience.

Thirty-five years old: I'm not doing a single thing until I talk to Dad.

Forty years old: I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise.

Fifty years old: I'd give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn't appreciate how smart he was. I could have learned a lot from him.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Being Thankful and It's Not Even Thanksgiving!

I was reading an article in Among Women magazine about a young wife and mother that died from cancer. In the article her husband reflects on her attitude as she went through what he calls "a journey". Katie was positive through the whole ordeal. This couple really believed that what mattered most was what they did with their situation. I was especially struck by what Katie's husband said..."It's not that I'm thankful for the cancer. I'm thankful for what HE did in all of that..."
I can't imagine going through all that and still being so positive. It has made me think about things that I never thought about being thankful for...and watching an inspirational movie on being thankful has made me reflect even more. (
It's easy to be thankful when life is good (and for me right now it sure is!) I hope I can remember to stay thankful when life deals me some tough blows.
Father's Day is coming up and I am thankful that my Father is still with us! Treat your dad to some great products from Gathered From The Garden LLC. We've got great items like He-Man Hand Scrub, Guy Grease, Tired Tootsies products to name a few. Check out our website at

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wise Tips For Living

I read about a woman who lived to be 91 and her husband to be 100. Her name was Helen Nearing. She was a great pioneer of simple living. Helen had eleven wonderfully wise tips for living not only a less stressful life, but for living in a more connected and organic way.
Here are some of her tips:

1. Do the best you can, whatever arises.

2. Be at peace with yourself.

3. Find a job you enjoy.

4. Live in simple conditions; housing, food, clothing; get rid of clutter.

5. Contact nature every day; feel the earth under your feet.

6. Take physical exercise through hard work; through gardening or walking.

7. Don’t worry; live one day at a time.

8. Share something every day with someone else; if you live alone, write someone; give something away; help someone else somehow.

9. Take time to wonder at life and the world; see some humor in life where you can.

10. Observe the one life in all things.

11. Be kind to the creatures.

What a truly wise blueprint for living! I know that I need to get rid of clutter--in my home and even in my mind sometimes! I think if you nurture plants and animals you can't help but nurture humans too. The one that hit me the most was to share something with someone else every day. I thought that would be really easy but when I started to work on it--sometimes I had to really think about what I wanted to give and to whom. I should have just started with something easy like a smile but I wanted it to be a little more meaningful for me and the person I was sharing with. I am going to try to add more of these tips to my life.

Something you could share with someone else is any one of our Gathered From The Garden products. They are bound to put a smile on your special someone's face. Check out our website at

Monday, May 14, 2007

Walking Prayer

I was reading about a "Walking Prayer" on the website. It reminded me of a little prayer that I say every morning. I wish someone (could be someone I know or someone I just came into contact with...) love and kindness on this day. I try to send positive energy their way. The "Walking Prayer" is somewhat similar. Here is the article from Care2...

Adapted from Peace to All Beings, by Judy Carman (Lantern Books, 2003).
What a beautiful concept: to spread loving peace with every step. The Native American teacher, Oh Shinnah, says that city sidewalks contain many fragments of crystals, and that these crystals pick up the frame of mind, heart, and spirit with which we walk on them and then transmit them to others. If we keep this in mind, Simple Giving becomes an even more powerful practice.
SIMPLE SOLUTION: Find out how to do this simple walking prayer.

As you pass people, animals, trees, or any beings, silently send out love from your heart. Be aware that the Great Spirit is continually pouring Unconditional Love through you to everyone you see and through everyone else as well. However, it’s up to us to take that vibratory energy and willingly project it out to others. Watch your thoughts, let judgments go, and just feel love, serenity, and joy radiating out to all who come near you.

It is easier to be in this giving vibratory state when you are silent. Once you begin to communicate verbally with others, it becomes more difficult. But the silent giving exercise helps us all to develop the ability so that we can use it when we are talking as well.

This is so simple! I read one of the comments on the Care2 site and they said wouldn't it be wonderful to start an International Gratitude Walk for Peace and Love. And there's the saying-- what goes around, comes around. All this positive energy and love would come back to you! I'm going to try to add this to my walks--want to join me in sending out good wishes to others? Let me know what you think!
To keep your feet sweet on those walks, check out Gathered From The Garden's "Tired Tootsies" foot products.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Silence is Golden!

Working in a school situation there seems to be little time for silence. We do have a quiet period of silent reading each day but for some kids that is extremely painful! I think we are assaulted by noise all day long and for some of us perhaps even at night. It's no wonder our stress levels are high.
I have a 35 minute commute to work each day. When I am driving, I listen to the news for about 10 minutes then I turn the radio off. I use that quiet time to plan my day (or on the way home to destress) or say some extra prayers. I carpool with two fellas for which I am grateful especially now with rising gas prices. However, when they drive the radio is on--sometimes to a game, a talk radio show or just loud music. On these days I can tell that by the time I get home I really crave some peace and quiet.
There is a website that has an inspirational movie and words about silence from Mother Theresa. She said so many things in nature are silent. (flowers, grass, the sun and moon). She also said that you need silence to hear God. How true!
Here's the website:
Gathered From The Garden has some lovely bath teas that are perfect for destressing at the end of a hectic day. Just add them to your bath and soak your cares away. A silent time in the bath maybe just what you've needed! Check out our website:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Sun and Your Skin

Just like most everyone I know, I used to try to get the perfect tan. As a child we never heard of sunscreen much less used it. I've had my share of sunburns and thought of them as just something to get used to each summer.
On a cruise I met a woman who had skin cancer so she was always sitting in the shade. A few years later my sister-in-law had a suspicious spot removed. This made me slather on the sunscreen ( so I wouldn't burn) and put on a hat but it didn't keep me from trying to get a tan each summer. That and knowing the sun causes all of those wrinkles!!
Then one of my coworkers was diagnosed with skin cancer on her face. She had surgery to remove a patch by her nose. She was out for awhile and came back to work with a red face but that seemed to clear up. Sometime later we heard she was going back for more surgery. She ended up having to do a kind of chemo on her face. It basically ate off the top three-four layers of her skin. She looked like a burn victim and felt like one too. Her face was swollen and extremely sensitive. She had to put on the chemo cream each night knowing what pain it would cause.
What seemed like a horribly long time finally passed and her skin started to heal. The only lotion she was able to put on her healing face was our own Goat Milk and Honey Lotion--unscented. I was truly happy to know we were providing her with some relief.
Her face is healed but she is being closely monitored to see if the cancer comes back. After seeing the pain and suffering she went through, there is no way I will sit and bake in the sun. I used to use the self-tanners on just my legs early in the spring. Now if I feel the need for some color I think I will go get the spray on tan. Or maybe I will convince myself that white isn't such a bad color after all.
Please take care of your skin this summer and use lots of sunscreen! A hat, long sleeves, sitting in the shade and using self-tanners or the spray on tans are also recommended. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer!
To try our Goat Milk and Honey Lotion check out our website:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Enjoy the Little Things

I have a sign hanging on my wall that says "Enjoy the small things- for one day you may look ahead and realize they were the big things!" I think of this almost everyday especially when I get an email from my son in Iraq. He will tell how the small things start to take on more importance when you are far away from home and family and the familiar. I thought of this last weekend when I watched my nine-month old niece playing with measuring cups and spoons instead of the baby toys near her.
I think we live our lives too fast and usually looking ahead. We don't stop often enough to enjoy the simple pleasures or people around us. I'm reminded of this in my classroom when I'm trying to fit all of my lessons in and one of my students will interrupt with a funny anecdote or story. Kids can take small events and make them important. We should do the same.
I used to write in a gratitude journal every night. I was pretty faithful for a couple of years and then I just sorted of got bored with it or just didn't bother with it. I'm thinking I need to dig it out again. Many of the things I can be grateful for are the little blessings that come my way each day. It's a good exercise to remember to be thankful, for some day (and I'm afraid much too soon) I'll be doing more looking back than forward!
Speaking of little pleasures--Gathered From The Garden has sweet little Petite Perfumes. These are little roll-on bottles that fit great in your purse or pocket. Check out our website for prices and fragrances.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The newest addition to our family was born today. I was priviledged enough to be at his birth. When you witness a baby's birth you realize what a miracle it is. How a mother's body has to labor and change to bring that baby into the world. Even with all of our modern day technology and wonders it is still the mother who has the perfect environment for nine months to sustain a tiny life. Then it is the mother who gives birth to that precious life. I am very proud of my daughter for giving us such a beautiful little grandson.
Not that his dad wasn't a part of this special event. My son-in-law is probably one of the most gentle and patient people I know. He was at her side throughout the whole night, giving her comfort and support. I know he is thrilled with his little son. We are proud of him too!
With Easter coming up we are reminded of another miracle. That of Jesus' death and resurrection. A wonderful inspirational movie about Jesus is found at It is a short reminder of how one man's simple life has impacted so many.
Another miracle for us in Minnesota seems to be the end of winter and the return of spring!!
To celebrate spring check out Gathered From The Garden's website for some fun spring fragrances such as cucumber melon, raspberry lemonade, huckleberry and red currant and many others. We can use these in most of our products. Go to :
Happy Spring and enjoy the miracles found in your life!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

More Inspiration!

In the past I have written about "The Secret" on Oprah and the dashmovie website. I found another inspirational web movie. Go to It's a 3 minute shot of inspiration. These are like little dessert treats for your soul.
Life can get to be hectic and stressful. I find for me it helps to hear or read some "pep talk" now and again. Most of it is nothing new but it is good to be reminded of it. Someone once told me if you don't take care of yourself who will? I take care of myself with these little shots of
Another good way to take care of yourself is to do a little pampering. Check out Gathered's website for our relaxing bath teas. A wonderful way to relax!

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Joy Diet

By this time of the year people are looking at their New Year's Resolutions and wondering what happened? So many people I know resolve to go on a food diet. But how about a Joy Diet?
This idea comes from Elisabeth Constantine's book The Light Diet. Instead of depriving yourself as with most diets-- with this diet you add something. Joy. Think of all the things you could add to your life to bring more joy into it. Small things like time to yourself to do whatever you wanted. Buy yourself some flowers. Get a manicure or pedicure. Go see a movie. Spend time with your favorite people. You could really amp up the joy in your life by achieving one of your big goals: building the house of your dreams or taking an exotic vacation.
Studies have shown that the more joy you have in your life , the healthier you will be. (This probably pertains to spreading joy around too.) I think as women we tend to get so caught up in being caregivers that we often forget to take care of ourselves. We really do deserve some pampering, some joy! Resolve to find time this week to add more joy to your diet--it could even become a wonderful habit.
Gathered From The Garden has some great products to help pamper yourself or to give to others to help spread some joy.
Check out our website:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Thought for the Day

I have to send you to a great website:
It gets you thinking about how you are spending your life. What will the dash between the years on your tombstone represent? Life is short, we need to make the best of it. Enjoy the movie. :)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Secret!

I taped Ophrah's show last Thursday because I didn't want to miss any of it. I knew she was going to have a panel on her show discussing "The Secret". I had seen promos on the Internet for the DVD and I knew there was a book called The Secret. But I didn't really know what it was all about.
I got my husband to watch it with me. All of the comments made by the panel members (which included the author of the book, Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup books and 3 other people who are motivational speakers) really made sense and didn't seem that difficult to do. Basically they were saying that The Secret is about the Law of Attraction. (I am really going to simplify it here.) What you say, feel and do attracts positive or negative energy to you. They gave examples and talked about how they had used this in their lives to become successful. My husband said this was alot like the training he had in being resilient. It made me stop and think.
If you can get ahold of Ophrah's tape watch it! It will get you thinking how you can make your life better. I haven't read the book yet or watched the DVD. I'd like to do one or the other. Ophrah had one woman in the audience who had watched the DVD 62 times! Ophrah herself bought 30 copies of the DVD and passed it out to friends.
I am really going to try some of the tips the panel members presented. I think the power of positive thinking is tremendous. It's just going to take a little work to break old habits. I'm looking forward to really good things happening in the days ahead!
I'm thinking positive thoughts about my business -Gathered From The Garden and how I want it to develop. We'll set some goals and go from there. Check out our website and see what you think--positive of course!! :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

Just Have to Vent!

I am working on getting certified in aromatherapy. My first class started two weeks ago. As part of our grade, we have to do a project and post it on the college's discussion board site. Part of the project requires some research and then you must put it in a powerpoint format, brochure or macromedia format. I did the research, put it in a brochure format (took me several hours) then tried to attach it to the discussion site. Of course, it wouldn't attach. I called the help desk and talked to a fellow there who wanted me to disable my virus protection--he was sure that was the cause. After clicking buttons for an hour, I was no closer to getting my file attached. Someone suggested trying to make it a pdf file. So I spent another couple of hours retyping my info into a brochure format in another software program. I have yet to try to attach it.
I think I am just too old to have to deal with all the trials and tribulations of technology. I just want to learn about essential oils!! Maybe you can't teach an old dog new tricks!!
Wish me luck as I try to attach this new file. If it doesn't work, I maybe never take an online class again!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Journaling Can Guide, Inspire and Heal

I came across an article about journaling and the many kinds of journals people keep. I don't know that mine is any one kind but it sure has provided me with an outlet for my emotions.
I started journaling when my youngest was 15. She was going through a tough time as a young adult wanting more freedom than her parents were willing to give. Looking back, she really wasn't that difficult at all, just being a typical teen-ager. At the time though it seemed like she was hell bent on making my life difficult. Journaling gave me a place to vent and basically feel sorry for myself without anyone making any judgements.
After she got her driver's license life seemed so much better to her and the two of us eventually became good friends again. Still I continued to write. Sometimes to vent, other times to write down my dreams, blessings I was grateful for or just write down things I had observed about life. Sometimes I'd read what I had written before and gained a little insight to happenings in my life. Things I would do differently, unresolved issues that needed attention or
successes and challenges.
I am still journaling 13 years later. My writing now includes my business , my grandchildren and my son in Iraq. I'll continue to vent (especially about the war) and be grateful for the many blessings in my life. I don't write everyday but I do when I feel that I need to express myself and don't necessarily need someone to respond.
I would recommend journaling for everyone. It can be a tool to help you find the beautiful things in life when things look bleak. I started writing in a simple notebook but I've seen beautiful journals that would really be fun to write in. If you've never done it, I suggest you try it. You'll get to know yourself a little bit better!
I also recommend you try some products from Gathered From The Garden LLC!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I found an intesting article that builds on making New Year's Resolutions:

Live Your Dreams

From an article by Rosemary Molinary (Health, March 2006)

Life lists help you set and achieve important goals. Are you ready to start living your dreams?

The act of writing down a year’s worth of goals helped me move from “What if I did this?” to “When will I do this?” That’s also the idea behind life lists, which have become the power tools for helping people like me reshape their lives. They can’t be viewed as simple to-do lists, though. “A life list helps you focus on finally doing things you’ve imagined will make your life better,” says Molly Barker, founder of Girls on the Run International, a North Carolina–based running and character-building program for preteen girls.

Life lists can work for you, too. And these tips from the experts can help you get started.

Tap into your passions.
Before starting a list, consider this: If I were to take my last breath at 3 p.m. tomorrow, what will I regret not having done?

Set a special day to make your list.
Each year, create your life list on a day that’s meaningful for you. Start by reviewing your previous year’s successes, accomplishments, and challenges. Then consider what you still want to have, to be, and to do.

Test your limits.
Don’t stick to ordinary tasks that you have never made time for or have avoided doing. Include challenges that take you into unfamiliar, even scary, territory.

Revisit and revise—often.
Your life changes over time, so should your list. Put it in a place where you see it every day. But don’t get stuck on the details. Being flexible allows you to take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way.

Rosie Molinary is a freelance writer living in Davidson, NC. She’ll learn how to surf before her next birthday.

Here at Gathered From The Garden we are striving to live our dream of providing fabulous handmade bath and body products for you while having fun in the process! Check out our website:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Five Inspiring Women

I was checking out a website ( and I came across a short article about five inspiring women. It got me to thinking. Who would I pick as five women who have inspired me? I've worked with lots of women, lived with lots of women (in college and at home), talked with lots of women and read about a lot of women. It should be easy to pick five.
The first one that came to mind is my best friend, Gail. She was also my college roommate. She has a wonderful sense of humor, is compassionate, smart and we have the best of times. She is an adminstrator of a school, a mother, a wife, a sister and a dear friend. She's a great role model for young girls. I'm sure she has inspired many women, not just me.
The second one is my mother. We haven't always seen eye-to-eye on things throughout the years but I am inspired by her. She is very strong in her faith and her convictions. She is compassionate, generous, talented in many areas and extremely family oriented. I am inspired by her ability to keep all of these as she ages.
The more I thought about this, the more I realized I would have a hard time limiting this to just five. I have to include all of my sisters. (5 of them !) Each one of them has some truly unique talents and experiences. They are all extremely hard-working, intelligent, funny and creative. Each has coped with adversity with strength and grace. I have been inspired by each one as they travel their own distinct paths.
I have been inspired by my two daughters. They also are intelligent, funny, creative and nurturing women. They are successful in their careers, yet are still family oriented. I have especially enjoyed getting to know them as adults. I'm inspired by their courage to forge new paths. (Something I wasn't so willing to do at their age.) They aren't afraid to embrace change.
One last woman that has inspired me is one I really didn't know very well. It's my mother's mother. She died when I was eight years old. I have heard stories about how she raised 16 children- many of those years as a widow living on a farm. I'm sure she relied on her faith, her family and her guts to see her through those tough years. She managed to keep her family together. I'm inspired that she could do all of this in a time when women weren't supposed to be the strong ones. I'd like to think that if I had to face such trying times that I would have inherited some of her faith and her guts!
Who are the women who inspire you? Mine aren't moviestars or superstars. They are ordinary women who do extraordinary things every day. I think they should all stand up and take a bow!
Some of these women have inspired me and encouraged me in my handmade bath and body products business: Gathered From The Garden LLC. I'd like to send them a big THANK YOU!