Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Country Faith (the book)

First off, I have to say that I am not a Country Music fan. It just isn’t my favorite genre of music. That said, I still really enjoyed reading Country Faith. I didn’t recognize some of the performers in the book but that didn’t make any difference. 

This book is 56 reflections from leading Country Music Stars such as Miranda Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Wynonna and Brad Paisley, to name a few. Each Star was asked to give their favorite Bible verse. Then each gave a reflection of why they chose that particular verse and how it is meaningful in their lives. It was interesting because sometimes we think of Country Music as always a tune about drinking, divorce or cheating on your spouse. So it’s refreshing to hear that these performers can sing about these things but that God is number one in their lives. 

The book is really easy reading. The reflections are very short, mostly just a paragraph or two. I read the whole book in one sitting. I kind of wish I had slowed down and read one a day and then took some time to reflect on each. It was interesting to me to see which verse was picked by each performer. Many times the verse was one that I found heartfelt too.

 In the back of the book the gospel of Mark has been provided. The book says it is the shortest of the gospels so it’s a good place to start in coming up with your own favorite Bible verse. 

I would recommend this book to everyone. You don’t need to listen to Country music to appreciate the insight given by these artists. However, it is a little more fun to read because they are famous.

(I was given this book to review by HarperCollins Christian Publishing. All opinions are my own.)

Monday, July 01, 2013

Victim of Grace

I recently read the book Victim of Grace (When God’s Goodness Prevails) by Robin Jones Gunn.  In the book Robin chronicles events in her life and then relates that to a woman in the Bible. Throughout her life she has felt that she has been a “Victim of Grace” and so have these other women.

Robin is a published author of many books, including a series for young girls. She didn’t set out to be an author. When she was younger she felt her calling was to go to Africa as a missionary. However circumstances didn’t allow her to go and she came to realize that wasn’t God’s plan for her.

Her life has had many ups and downs. She has had some medical issues, career highs and lows but throughout all of it she didn’t get discouraged. She felt that God was always at work in her life. Robin was able to get more writing deals and offers to travel the world to speak at Writer’s Conferences. Eventually she would end up presenting at a Conference in Nairobi, Kenya. Her dream of going to Africa came true—just a little differently than she had expected.

It was interesting reading this book for me at this time because these days have been some trying ones! I found it refreshing to think of life’s difficulties in a different way. Instead of asking why me? I have come to realize through Robin’s writing that God is still pouring out his grace on me and my family even during the hard times. He still is accomplishing his purposes for us in the middle of this mess!

I recommend this book for anyone wanting a good example of someone being positive in the time of pain. Robin has been able to see how God has been at work in her life and gave me some insight into how to look for His work in mine.  I liked her conversational tone, it wasn’t preachy. It was good to be reminded of the Bible’s women and their times of grace.

Booksneeze has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review, all opinions are my own.

(I was given this book to review by HarperCollins Christian Publishing. All opinions are my own.)