Monday, March 31, 2008

It's in the Bag

Okay, girls, if you're like me you have a collection of purses. When switching purses what are the essential items you carry with you at all times? See if you agree with the list below:

  1. Wallet. Make sure you have your driver's license.

  2. Baby Wipes. They clean everything.

  3. Mini sewing kit.

  4. Pain reliever.

  5. Cell phone.

  6. Pen.

  7. Gum or mints.

  8. Pocket mirror.

  9. Sunglasses.

  10. Lip balm or gloss.

I have everything in my purse except the baby wipes and sewing kit. I also carry a nail clippers, mini-perfume, kleenex, keys, pictures of my grandchildren, glasses and contact case and more! I was invited to a baby shower where one of the games was to weigh your purse. Mine weighed close to four pounds!! (You can tell that I have a problem using a small purse.)What can I leave out? It all seems very necessary and important. The one really necessary and important thing I can't do without is Gathered's purse-size Goat Milk and Honey Lotion. You can get one of your own at

What's in your handbag?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

What To Do With Your Left-over Easter Candy

There is a great website that you should check out--especially if you like cool cakes and cupcakes. They also have some wacky ideas of what to do with that left-over Easter candy. Jesse Oleson can help breathe new life into your Peeps, jelly beans or chocolate eggs with her suggestions. How about a left-over Easter trifle, Cadbury Creme Egg ice cream or Peep s'mores? Check out all of their sugar-laden suggestions. Normally I wouldn't suggest anything using so much sugar but heck, all things in moderation, right?

The above website is almost as much fun as We don't have any sugar-laden products but ours are still awfully sweet!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tell Your Life Story in Six Words

Smith magazine published a book called "Not Quite What I Was Planning, Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure". It lists great life stories told in only six words. Some are humorous: "baby teeth, buck teeth, no teeth", "tons of calories burned, still fat" some are romantic: "found true love, happily ever after", some are inspirational: "fell in mud, got back up" some sad: (this by a cancer patient) "would settle for bad hair day" and some political: "proud of my country, until Bush".
I tried to sum up my life in six words. It's very difficult! I think this may be mine "Life is good, hope it continues". What would yours be? If you've got one you'd like to share, SMITH is going to publish another book. Go to and submit yours and/or share it with us here! We'd love to see how you describe your life story in just six words.
Here are another six words that Gathered FromThe Garden would like you to remember about us: Soothing skin products to pamper everyone! Go to
to find great products for the whole family.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Another Great Blog

I found this blog and have been impressed with the practical information on health it contains. I am always looking for easy ways to improve my diet or lifestyle. Part of "being your own goddess" means being in control of what you eat, breathe, listen to, buy, read etc. Thanks to Dr.Minser for sharing these smart health tips! Go to and check it out yourself. Anyone have other blogs to suggest?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month where we celebrate the accomplishments of the women who have come before us. Have you ever thought about the women in your own family and how much they accomplished? I had a grandmother who raised 16 children. Many of the years they were growing up she was a single parent. (widowed young) That had to have taken an incredible amount of hard work, patience, perseverance and faith. I think she passed those qualities on to my mother and hopefully to me. Who are the women who have inspired you?
Here is an inspirational movie to view in honor of women. Check out It will make you think!
Check out for some great products. You might order some to give to the special women in your life that have made a difference for and to you!