Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A New Vision for 2008

It's that time of year again, to start manifesting what we really need and to let go of things we don't. Our secret for getting everything we want starts with a list. After we've written down what we want in 2008 (tropical vacation, help others, live richly), we turn our list into a "visioning board." You can do this too.

Start with a large, card stock sheet of paper, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, a pen and a stack of magazines. Cut out pictures of a hammock suspended between two beachside palm trees, etc. Write or cut out words like play, create, relax,volunteer and place them with the images all over your paper.

Next, put the board in a place where you will see it throughout the year. From time to time imagine that everything you have placed on the board has already happened, and allow yourself to feel grateful. Then stand back and watch the coincidences start to occur, the pieces fall into place, and the magic happen!

We invite you to let us know how doing this simple yet powerful process of manifesting your intentions is working for you this year!

Gathered From The Garden LLC gatheredfromthegardenllc.4t.com

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Joy and The Bucket List

In the movie "The Bucket List" Morgan Freeman's character suggests that to get into heaven you need to answer these two questions. 1. Have you experienced joy in your life? 2. Have you brought joy to others' lives? Two questions worth some thought even if you don't believe you will be asked this at the Pearly Gates!
Have you experienced joy in your life? It's easy to get so caught up in everyday life that simple joys are forgotten. It's easy to appreciate the good things when life is going good. But I think that we can store up memories of joy to help us through and it doesn't take long to stop and smell the roses. Looking at my own life, my grandchildren have brought me immeasurable joy! To see things again through the eyes of a child, to smell that new-born baby smell, to have someone that wants to cuddle with me--that is true joy! Nurturing--particularly my flowers in the summer. Walking through my backyard and finding some new blossom or unexpected seedling brings me peace and joy. Traveling to a new place--seeing mountains, oceans, deserts--the marvels that God has created brings me joy.
Have you brought joy to others' lives? That's a good one to reflect on...Sure, I could say, I've given lots of presents to others. But is that the same as joy? I have started a new prayer each morning..."Let me be a blessing to someone this day." I'm hoping that will bring someone joy. I don't consciously set out to "bring someone joy" but maybe I should. What a different world this would be if our main goal each day would be to spread joy! I feel we should think small bits of joy to start. (Sharing happy memories and experiences with others is one of the most powerful and effective ways to keep the joy going.)
Being joyful has also been linked to improving health. People with a sunny outlook to aging recover more quickly from illness and actually live longer. People who feel joy in their lives also reported fewer illnesses.
One of the ways I experience a very small bit of joy is to have a piece of dark chocolate :) . So I might have to indulge in that a little more often. Another way to experience a little joy each morning is to start with some of Gathered's wonderful Goat Milk and Honey Lotion on my hands. The fragrance of Raspberry/Lemonade always makes me smile! To bring a little more joy into your life check out our website: gatheredfromthegardenllc.4t.com We have many fragrances that can bring a little more joy to your life. Or share with someone to bring some joy to their life too!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Extra Pounds or ExtraToes?

There is an article in Fitness magazine about losing weight This article disturbed me. Fitness took a survey of 1,000 women about their thoughts on diet and fitness. The following statistics resulted:

42% of women have used ephedra, hoodia, fen-phen, a diuretic or prescription weight loss pill/other drug to lose weight.

23% of women would spend a week in jail to reach their ideal weight. 23% would shave their head and 21% would trade 10 years of their life.

Women have used desperate measures. 33% have cleared their house of bad food. 24% have drank only liquids for at least a day. 11% have taken laxatives and 6% have purged. 4% have used miracle cleanse.

85% would rather have an extra toe than 50 extra pounds.

To polish that off, most women described themselves as chunky (30%) or curvy (29%).
(This is a fitness magazine so they probably polled women who are a little more shall we say, obsessed with their shape...)

I haven't found myself doing stupid things for weight loss. I've read with interest lots of stupid ideas and wondered if they could possibly work and fantasized what I would look like if they did. It seems you never look fine to yourself. Even the most beautiful women in the world will find themselves unattractive. How do we get over that? We do need to be a healthy weight...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Teachers on the 8th day

On the 6th day, God created men & women. On the 7th day, He rested. Not so much to recuperate, but rather to prepare himself for the work He was going to do the next day. For it was on the 8th day that God created the teacher.

The teacher, though taken from among men and women had several significant modifications. In general, God made the teacher more durable than other men and women.

The teacher was made to arise at a very early hour and to go to bed no earlier than 11:30 PM. With no rest in between. The teacher had to be able to withstand being locked up in an air-tight room with 35 little monsters on a rainy Monday. And the teacher had to be able to correct 103 term papers over Easter vacation.

Yes, God made the teacher tough - but gentle too. The teacher was equipped with soft hands to wipe away the tears of the neglected and lonely student... of the 16 year old girl who was not asked to the prom.

And into the teacher God poured a generous amount of patience. Patience when a student asks to repeat the directions the teacher has just repeated for someone else.

Patience when the kids forget their lunch money for the 4th day in a row. Patience when 1/3 of the class fails the test. Patience when the text books haven't arrived yet, and the semester starts tomorrow.

And God gave the teacher a heart slightly bigger than the average human heart. For the teacher's heart had to be big enough to love the kid who screams, "I hate this class - it's boring!" and to love the kid who runs out of the class at the end of the period without so much as a good bye or a thank you.

And lastly, God gave the teacher an abundant supply of hope. For God knew that the teacher would always be hoping. Hoping that the students would one day learn to spell... Hoping not to have lunchroom duty... hoping that Friday would come... hoping for a free day... hoping for deliverance.

When God finished creating the teacher, He stepped back and admired the work of His hands. And God saw that the teacher was good. Very Good. And God smiled, for when He looked at the teacher, He saw into the future. He knew that the future is in the hands of the teachers.

And because God loves teachers so much, on the 9th day God created.... "SNOW DAYS"
Author Unknown. I found this poem on Skywriting.com

Here in MN teachers and students alike hope for a snowday. Our past winters haven't really cooperated--mostly cold but not much snow. This makes it difficult to keep our skin hydrated. Here at Gathered From the Garden we have some great products to help with dry skin. Our Goat Milk and Honey Lotion is our winter best seller. Check out our website for sizes and fragrances: gatheredfromthegardenllc.4t.com