Sunday, November 22, 2009

A List of Things to Be Thankful For

Some have attributed this to Mother (Saint) Theresa, which suits me just fine. I'm thankful I found it and have the ability to pass it along.

Be thankful for the clothes that fit a little too snug, because it means you have enough to eat.

Be thankful for the mess you clean up after a party, because it means you have been surrounded by friends.

Be thankful for the taxes you pay, because it means you're employed.

Be thankful that your lawn needs mowing and your windows need fixing, because it means you have a home.

Be thankful for your heating bill, because it means you are warm.

Be thankful for the laundry, because it means you have clothes to wear.

Be thankful for the space you find at the far end of the parking lot, because it means you can walk.

Be thankful for the lady who sings off key behind you in church, because it means you can hear.

Be thankful for the alarm that goes off in the early morning, because it means you are alive.

And finally, here is mine: I'm thankful I am able to post this to my blog. I'm also thankful for all of you who read and respond.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I recently joined the Bloggers Unite group. They ask bloggers to pick something to blog about, only for one day and this is what I have chosen. The Brown Bag Project takes place on November 21, 2009.

This year on 11/21/09, and are helping fight hunger. They are asking bloggers from around the world to join in. You can use your blog to promote this and to help make people aware of the hunger that is happening right before us. If you don't have a blog you can still help.

Here are a few ways that the Bloggers Unite suggested how we can help out.

1) Donate food or money to a local food bank.

2) Sponsor a food drive.

3) Volunteer at a local food bank or kitchen that helps to feed the hungry.

4) Deliver a meal to a hungry family.

5) Donate to a charity that fights to end hunger.

I'm telling you this early so that you will have time to plan. It could be as easy as donating to your church or asking your local school principal if they know a family who could use a little extra help this year. Thanks for reading! Enjoy your day~

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This Veterans Day, we give special thanks to the men & women who protect the health & safety of our nation. We appreciate your dedication!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Change Your Prospective
~ go from winter blahs, to winter Ahhhhhs

It's November and we have switched to daylight savings time. That means it's dark about 5:30 now. By 7:00 it seems like it should be time for bed! Usually the winter doldrums start to set in. The warm sunny days of summer are just a memory.

This year I decided to have a different attitude. I was reading Gina Rafkind's newsletter ( and she gave me some inspiration. Gina talked about what she is going to do to enjoy this winter and make it more warm and cozy instead of dreary and blah. It's a conscious choice she made. Here are a few of the ways she is going to beat the winter blues:

*Making more of an effort to stay in touch with those who mean a lot to me
*Making more 'dates' with friends and family so to spend more quality time with them
*Align with positive and grateful thoughts every day
*Listen to my favorite music daily

So are you up for the challenge to change your prospective?
I'd love to hear all about it. Share your comments here. Maybe we can inspire each other to actually enjoy this coming winter!