Monday, May 25, 2009

Big Girls Don't Cry

I was watching the news last night. A story came on about a 95 yr.-old woman who had her necklace stolen right off her neck. Turns out it had been give to her by her husband when he returned home from WWII. The good news is that they caught the thief. But when the police called to tell her about it they told her not to cry.

Why not? Sometimes the most healing, cleansing thing you can do is to have a good cry! Crying releases your emotions, slows your breathing and has a calming effect. I'm sure if this woman had cried, it would have been tears of joy.

What about when your tears are not for joy? Sometimes you cry because you need support. You are letting others know that something hurts. It's good to find a sympathetic ear and unleash some feelings. Talking about what's going on and getting a smile or hug in return can help the healing begin.

I come from a family of women that cry easily. I used to be embarrassed by it but not anymore. I know it is just a part of me. I've cried at my daughters' weddings, my grandchildren's births and in situations where the tears were tears of anger or fear.

However, there are some things we can all do to control our emotions a little better if we want. Before heading into a stressful situation, concentrate on breathing calmly and steadily. Tell yourself you are not going to cry. Reminding yourself that you are a strong person can help you stay calm. Remember that you can let your feelings out later and have that good cry.

When was the last time you had a good cry?