Thursday, September 06, 2007

Celebrate Good Times, Come On!

I was reading in Better Homes and Garden magazine about a woman who counted up all the days she celebrates in a year and came up with 65! So I thought I would count up all the days that I (we) celebrate. I came up with about 23. I'm thinking she must be celebrating a whole lot of smaller things.
What's wrong with that? We should be celebrating more often I think. I should be celebrating the first day of summer, the first day that I see a tulip or daffodil in the spring, the date of my first date with Jerry (I do remember it!) and other dates that aren't on a calendar but do deserve to be recognized. I'll add to that list the day my son comes home from Iraq!!!
In our busy schedules we don't often make time to focus on the really important things in our lives. So here's a challenge for you. Make time for everyday special days. Even the most laid-back occasions can bring family and friends closer together. What surprising occasions do you celebrate?
Here at Gathered From The Garden we celebrate every time the UPS person delivers goodies for us to use in our products! We hope you celebrate every time you get to use one of our wonderful products. Check us out at:

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