Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's Your Biggest Challenge?
I get a few online newsletters or ezines that I like to read. In one of the lastest newsletters the author discussed her answer to the question "What's your biggest challenge?" She said she didn't have any challenges, which makes her sound kind of loopy. She went on to explain that she has life experiences like the rest of us but chooses not to see them as traumatic or challenging. In each of these events she chooses to think about how it impacted her positively. She doesn't use labels like drastic, traumatic, devastating, etc. If you think you're going to have a terrible day, your day will probably be just that.
I do that with my students. Every morning we have a morning meeting where we greet each other and do an activity to build community. One of the activities we do is to take turns telling the group "today is a good day because...."It gets the kids thinking that their day is going to be a good one. It starts our day off on a positive note. It makes me think about why my day is going to be good too.
I also expect something good to happen every day. At the end of the day when I reflect, I am often surprised by how many good things happened to me. Sometimes they are pretty amazing. Other times it forces me to think about the small things in my day and to see them in a different light. I can honestly say that everyday has something good happening for me.-
Some of the really good things in my day are my contacts with customers. Here at Gathered From The Garden we have some of the greatest folks buying our products. Check out our website and join our fine group of customers!! gatheredfromthegardenllc.4t.com

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