Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Give A Little Every Single Day

What's the best way to stay healthy? Regular exercise, a low-fat diet, stress management...these are all good but the act of giving can actually add years to our life. Studies have shown that volunteering even beat out exercise when it came to adding longevity!
It all starts with the small acts of giving and making generosity part of your day. It could be leaving a big tip, listening to a friend or letting someone in line ahead of you. The key I think is to see yourself not in need of things from others but to see yourself as the giver of those things. What would you like more of in your life? Friends? Write or call a friend with whom you've lost touch.
We often give to those closest to us and that's a great place to start. But I think we need to look beyond and widen our scope--to send a message that we know there are others in the world in need. One organization that I try to help is the Fistula Foundation--they are helping women in Africa. I feel a need to help other women because I can. (www.fistulafoundation.org)
Look at the daily encounters you have as opportunities for generosity. Try making an effort to give kindness and attention to all the people you interact with. It's going to change your mood and the way people respond to you. An act of kindness is like a pebble thrown in a lake. The ripples continue outward and reach so many others.
In the current issue of Body and Soul Magazine (bodyand soulmag.com)
you will find "50 Ways to Give Right Now". This list includes things like "hold the door, give a compliment, tell a joke, pick up trash, surprise someone,teach your children about giving" just to name a few. The list includes some pretty simple ideas that could really impact someone you meet.
Gathered From The Garden has some great products that you could give to someone to make their day. Something as simple as our $2.00 lipbalm! Check out our website for more fun ideas! www.gatheredfromthegardenllc.4t.com

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