Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's Really in Our Food?

I have been reading about what is used to make our foods "red". Did you know it could be bugs?
Yikes!! It seems to me that we each deserve to know about the contents of our foods. It came as a little shock to see cochineal as a colorant in the ingredients listing of several foods.
Should this bother me? Cochineal is a natural colorant made from bugs that live on cactus. The most prized of the bugs are the pregnant females, because their bodies hold the most dye. It does makes a lovely dye, and I know of those who are using it that way. Up until the late 1800's it was about the only means of getting a true red. On the other hand, MANY people don't know what the word means.
It turns out that this colorant is also known as carmine and carminic acid. These terms show up on many food products, and even the term "natural colorings" can mean cochineal. Fruit juices, yogurts, popsicles, sauces, sodas, and candies such as Good 'n Plenty! all contain this coloring. I have checked the particular yogurt I eat and thank goodness none of those terms was listed in the ingredients!!
I'm not a huge fan of bugs(especially with our MN mosquitoes), although I do love butterflies, dragonflies and beneficial insects. However, I really don't want them in my food. I think the food companies should be honest and tell us what is REALLY in our food. Don't you?
Here at Gathered From the Garden we only use bugs as stamps/decorations on our bags!
Check out our website:

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