Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Secret!

I taped Ophrah's show last Thursday because I didn't want to miss any of it. I knew she was going to have a panel on her show discussing "The Secret". I had seen promos on the Internet for the DVD and I knew there was a book called The Secret. But I didn't really know what it was all about.
I got my husband to watch it with me. All of the comments made by the panel members (which included the author of the book, Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup books and 3 other people who are motivational speakers) really made sense and didn't seem that difficult to do. Basically they were saying that The Secret is about the Law of Attraction. (I am really going to simplify it here.) What you say, feel and do attracts positive or negative energy to you. They gave examples and talked about how they had used this in their lives to become successful. My husband said this was alot like the training he had in being resilient. It made me stop and think.
If you can get ahold of Ophrah's tape watch it! It will get you thinking how you can make your life better. I haven't read the book yet or watched the DVD. I'd like to do one or the other. Ophrah had one woman in the audience who had watched the DVD 62 times! Ophrah herself bought 30 copies of the DVD and passed it out to friends.
I am really going to try some of the tips the panel members presented. I think the power of positive thinking is tremendous. It's just going to take a little work to break old habits. I'm looking forward to really good things happening in the days ahead!
I'm thinking positive thoughts about my business -Gathered From The Garden and how I want it to develop. We'll set some goals and go from there. Check out our website and see what you think--positive of course!! :)

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