Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Oxygen Mask Theory

What is the Oxygen Mask Theory you ask? If you don't put on your mask first, you won't be able to save anyone else. I was reminded of this when I reread a little book that Oprah magazine subscribers received a few years ago. In it Oprah talks about nurturing yourself so that you are able to nurture others.
Many years ago, when I was still going to confession face-to-face, I told the priest that I was a wife, mother, and teacher. He said you spend all of your time taking care of others. Who is taking care of you? I really had to think about that. My family was good to me but they weren't really nurturing me or my spirit.
This brought me to a decision to stop pursuing an advanced degree in educ. admin. and to instead get involved in something that brought (and still brings) me alot of joy. I became a Master Gardener and started creating a little bit of paradise in my backyard. Working in my flowers every day really feeds my soul. It gives me great joy to see what comes up each spring. I relish every butterfly and hummingbird that visits my garden.
I have a poster in my closet that says "A Joyful Journey is a Successful Life." I truly believe that. Where is the joy in your life?

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