Sunday, October 02, 2011

Stained Glass Hearts by Patsy Clairmont is a quick read. I could have finished it in one sitting but it’s one of those books that you need to read in small doses so you can reflect on her writing. Clairmont’s chapters are stories of her life. The end of the chapter gives you some art examples and often a prayer, poem or music that she feels goes along with the theme of that particular chapter.
            Starting out I was mildly amused by her life stories. She’s had some difficulties to overcome and she writes well of these. After awhile I wasn’t so interested in these stories anymore because this isn’t an autobiography but supposedly a book on how God helps mend struggling hearts. I got very distracted by her chapter on Poetry. It seemed out of place among the chapters of her life stories.
            I realize that Clairmont tries to use music, poetry, prayer, books,art and puzzles to carry the theme of “hearts” throughout her book. While I enjoyed many of the prayers she listed, I didn’t find the others very meaningful. I kept wishing she would have had some practical advice  or revelations to share with us about “how to see our lives in a new light” as her book jacket tease suggests.
            I would recommend this book if you just want to read some entertaining stories of the author’s life. If however, you are looking for more of a self-help book or book with some answers, I’d say pass.
Booksneeze has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book to review, all opinions are my own.

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