Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Don't Wish Your Life Away

Since my birthday was yesterday I've been reflecting on getting older. The birthday gifts and greetings were great but now I'm left with writing a bigger number for my age. (Although you won't believe this, I actually got carded at a restaurant on Sat. night!)

I was lamenting the fact that I'm on the downward slide toward another number ending in zero when my husband said "yes, but you are one year closer to retirement..." He's right. I should be looking at my age more positively. However, I shouldn't be wishing my life away.

Looking at how fast my grandchildren are growing up makes me realize time moves too fast. My little grandson is so adorable (two yrs.) I wish I could freeze-frame this time for just a little bit. My flowers are in full bloom, the raspberries are just beginning to ripen and butterflies are starting to visit. Really, could life be much better? The calendar tells me that summer is already more than a third over and I haven't crossed much off my to-do list. But why am I worried about that? I need to stop wishing for another day and really just enjoy today.

A good example of this is a couple that I taught with. They did a lot of traveling before and after they retired. Now 5 years later, Don has Lou Gehrig's disease and their traveling days are over. I can imagine how they would give anything to turn back the clock. I'm also sure they are not wishing their lives away and are making the most of every moment they have together. While we are dealing with the setbacks dealt us, life goes on and good memories can still happen.

So...I want you to pack as much joy and happiness as you can into today. Stop and be grateful for all your blessings. Share your good fortune with others. I'm not going to think about what might be ahead, but enjoy the rest of the afternoon. I've got some ripe raspberries calling to me...

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