Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Are You Ready for an Adventure?

On the news this week were two dramatic rescues of women who had been hiking in the mts. and became lost. One was in the US and the other was an American woman in the Alps. In both instances the women were resourceful enough to attract attention to get rescued. I'd say they had very adventurous spirits.
I have never been very adventurous. I kind of like the safe and known. But sometimes I think I might be missing out on some very interesting activities. SARK says that adventuring is developed by practice. The more adventures you embark on , the more adventures will begin to seek you out. She says that adventures can by tiny or large, they can be expensive or free. She also says that we are creatures of habit (I know I am) and that we should make a habit of adventures.
So this summer one of my goals is to start breaking out of my safe routines and look for adventure. I probably will look for small ones to start. I will be going to Paris is August and I'm pretty sure that will be a LARGE adventure for me!!! What adventures have you been on? Have you made adventure a habit in your life?
I plan on taking some great Gathered From the Garden products along on my adventures. Check out our website for some products to take with you too! gatheredfromthegardenllc.4t.com

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