Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Big Give

Have you been watching Oprah's "Big Give" tv show? Each week a group of contestants has a mission--give big to someone. There are rules and twists to what they have to accomplish each week and those that don't, get eliminated. It's been interesting watching partly because of their creativity and partly because they do get to work with big amounts of money.

Watching the show got me to thinking about how us ordinary people can give big. We don't have tons of money to spend. We don't have a fancy new vehicle to drive around while we figure it out like those on Ophrah's show. But I think we all have the opportunity to give everyday if we just look around. Here are ways to give right now--they aren't big in terms of money but they could make a big impact on someone' life.

1. Hold the door for someone.

2. Donate blood.

3. Give a compliment.

4. Help a fellow traveler with her luggage.

5. Raise money for a cause you believe in.

6. When you see trash, pick it up.

7. Pass on good news.

8. Tell someone you love them.

9. Give up your seat.

10. Send a thank-you card to someone who has shown you a kindness.

11. Smile at a stranger

12.Say a prayer for someone who's hurting.

13. Teach your children about giving.

14. Praise someone who has done well.

15. Kick bad habits, like smoking, that can harm others.

16. Pamper someone with a gift from Gathered FromThe Garden

What would you add to this list? Let us know so we can keep the giving-going!

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