Monday, October 02, 2006

You're Only As Good As Your Health

That saying never seemed so true as this past week or so. I had a killer backache. I don't know how or why but my back started to hurt and it wouldn't let up. I'm not the kind to run to the doctor but I knew I was going to need help. I went to my favorite chiropractor's clinic for some healing. I also used my Sore Muscle Relief Lotion. These two treatments brought me much needed relief!
After a few days of what seemed like chronic pain, I wondered how people who are suffering day in and day out manage. There is a fascinating article in the St.Cloud Times ( about a young mother fighting cancer. It is about her everyday life and all of the struggles and triumphs she has endured. I also saw on the late news a story about a woman diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease and how she is coping with that. Makes my backache not such a big deal!
I know that to be healthy is truly a gift. I know that prayers are also a gift. It seems a small thing to do--pray for the health of others. But what a gift it must be when there is a miracle (however big or small) in the lives of those who are truly ill.
I hope you are all in good health. If you're not, and you need a little relief, give our Sore Muscle Relief Lotion a try. Your aching back will thank you!

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