Celebrate You!
In the January issue of Redbook magazine (redbookmag.com) Anna Davies writes about ways to celebrate yourself. If you watch little children, they do it all the time. They want everyone to notice their specialness and what they can accomplish. We as adults, don't do that often enough.
I once went to confession and the priest I met with said, "you take care of your students, your children, your husband--who is taking care of you?" Those words really made me think. It's easy to wind up putting yourself last. Ms. Davies has some good "Yay,me" ideas...here are just a few of my favorites.
*Write down three favorite traits about yourself to pull out whenever you need a little pick-me-up.
*Keep a wish list of dreams both big and small. You can post it to listography.com.
*Start a weekly ritual of pampering yourself.
*Change your desktop screensaver to a photo of a place you've always wanted to go.
*Read an inspiring blog.
*Look through your closet and ditch five things that don't fit or flatter you. Donate them to Goodwill. You'll gain some more closet space and do something good for others.
*Get a free make-over at one of the make-up counters at the mall.
What are some ways you celebrate yourself? I definitely need to go through my closet! I also like the idea of keeping that wish list. Yay, me!
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