Thursday, May 14, 2015

Devotions from the Garden

I just finished reading Devotions from the Garden: Finding Peace and Rest from Your Hurried Life with Miriam Drennan. This is an easy to read devotional based on comparing gardening to God working in our lives.

Being a gardener myself I found this book to be particularly interesting. I do think that even someone that was not a gardener would still enjoy reading it. I found that reading one or two a day was a good way to process the message in each devotional. (There are 90 total.) I like that each devotional started out with a scripture verse, had the comparison of gardening to life and ended with an appropriate prayer tying it all together.

Along with the meaningful words, the beautiful photographs added to the enjoyment of the book.There is also a ribbon to help mark your place in the book.

I would recommend this book especially to anyone that gardens but also to anyone who would just like a quick meaningful devotion to read each day. I found it to be a delightful way to start each day and to be a relaxing way to end the day.

(I was given this book to review by HarperCollins Christian Publishing. All opinions are my own.)

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