A Week of Worthy Advent Activities
As we count down the days left to Christmas it's good to stop and reflect on what we have really done to get ready. (Besides the shopping, the wrapping, the baking,etc.) Woman's Day magazine (womansday.com) has a list of things we can do to make our final days to Christmas really count.
Sunday--Give something away.
We all have some things we are using that someone else could. I have a winter coat hanging in a closet that I know could keep someone else warm.
Monday--Shop consciously.
I know Walmart has great prices but can we buy US not China-made? Buy fair-trade coffee and chocolate. Think green and help our planet.
Tuesday--Read for inspiration.
Find an e-newsletter for an organization whose mission you admire. (Have you got one you could share with us?)
Wednesday--Click for good.
Do your online shopping at charity malls such as igive.com and buyforcharity.com. I must admit I was not aware of these...
Thursday--Spread the word.
Your children can check out Kind News Online(kindnews.org) which teaches kids about animal welfare. Tell your hairstylist about Cut It Out (cutitout.org), a program that helps salon staff identify domestic abuse victims or check out some happy news we all could use (happynews.com)
Friday--Be a silent Samaritan
Shovel the snow for a neighbor while they are gone. Leave treats or Gathered From the Garden products (anonymously) for a friend, do a kind act for someone without getting credit for it.
Saturday--Support local programs.
Put some money in the red kettles, donate to Toys for Tots, buy a little something at the grocery store for the food shelf.
It's easy this time of year to get a little stressed (if you ask my husband he would probably say a "little"? when he describes me...). I think doing something good each day will help me stay focused on what Christmas should really be about. Are you in?