We have just finished celebrating Halloween. I was in Walmart and Target today and the Christmas decorations have already replaced the orange and black. As we look ahead to celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas here's another reason to celebrate.
In her book Living Juicy, SARK says we should "learn to celebrate ourselves. Each of us is outrageously wonderful and delightfully imperfect." We are pretty much untrained to be "self-celebrators". We are often told not to get a big head or be selfish. We forget how we celebrated little things when we were children. (It was a big deal to find a little frog or celebrate rain by stomping in puddles!)
Have you ever stopped to celebrate yourself? Baked a cake in your own honor? I think sometimes as women we got so caught up in celebrating others we never think to "celebrate ourselves". We are so caught up in looking good, achieving more that we don't think about being imperfect as being delightful! So I think we need to stop and plan a celebration!!
I think I am going to write a little tribute to myself in my journal. No one else has to read it but just writing it for myself with validate that I am outrageously wonderful! What are you going to do to celebrate YOU?
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