You're Never Too Young
This past weekend my two granddaughters ran in their first 1 K race. The older one was very excited to be running. The younger one was too until they got to the race and saw some costumed characters. She was afraid of them and absolutely did not want to be part of the race anymore.
This past weekend my two granddaughters ran in their first 1 K race. The older one was very excited to be running. The younger one was too until they got to the race and saw some costumed characters. She was afraid of them and absolutely did not want to be part of the race anymore.
We let her watch the older runners take off. When her age group came up, her mother picked her up and convinced her to just walk behind her older sister and cheer the runners on. That was fine as long as mom held her. So they walked and cheered and about half way through the race, Karalyn turned to her mother and said, "I'm doing it!!" She managed to get to the finish line (although mom had to carry her the WHOLE way--poor mom!) where she received her medal.
This got me to thinking about how many opportunities we pass up because we are afraid. We can be afraid of risk, of failure, of embarrassment etc. But if we would just dive in we might be surprised like Karalyn to find that "we are doing it". I know there are a couple of things I would like to try but fear has held me back. I am going to try to do one of them this week. Hopefully I'll be smiling and saying "I'm doing it!". There's the old saying, nothing ventured, nothing gained...
In case you are out running in races and marathons this Spring, Gathered has some great "Sore Muscle Relief" Lotion to help with those aches and pains. Check out our website: gatheredfromthegardenllc.4t.com
On another note, I apologize for not having indented paragraphs. If anyone has some advice for me on how to do this in my posts--please comment!!
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