Monday, February 05, 2007

Just Have to Vent!

I am working on getting certified in aromatherapy. My first class started two weeks ago. As part of our grade, we have to do a project and post it on the college's discussion board site. Part of the project requires some research and then you must put it in a powerpoint format, brochure or macromedia format. I did the research, put it in a brochure format (took me several hours) then tried to attach it to the discussion site. Of course, it wouldn't attach. I called the help desk and talked to a fellow there who wanted me to disable my virus protection--he was sure that was the cause. After clicking buttons for an hour, I was no closer to getting my file attached. Someone suggested trying to make it a pdf file. So I spent another couple of hours retyping my info into a brochure format in another software program. I have yet to try to attach it.
I think I am just too old to have to deal with all the trials and tribulations of technology. I just want to learn about essential oils!! Maybe you can't teach an old dog new tricks!!
Wish me luck as I try to attach this new file. If it doesn't work, I maybe never take an online class again!

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