Monday, October 09, 2006

Do Less, Enjoy More

I came home from work today and took a little nap. I was just wiped-out tired. My day was busy as usual--same as everyone else's I think. Later, I was thinking about my evening and all that I wanted to get done before bedtime. I thought about how neglected my piano has been and how I've been meaning to sit down and play.
Then I read an article about a movement called "Take Back Your Time" in Body and Soul magazine. This movement is based in Seattle and the group encourages people to consider their time as significant and to spend it well. They have actually designated Oct. 24 as Take Back Your Time Day! This is a day to address the stress in your life with various ideas for enjoying life--instead of rushing through it. The article also gave some ideas to help celebrate that day.
*sleep late
*cancel something (I don't suppose it could be work).
*ask an older person about their life (I'm sure they have wonderful stories to tell.)
*set aside a night to have a family dinner
*listen to children's ideas
*reflect on the balance of play and work in your life
*simplify your life (keep to-do lists short, don't multitask, delegate and limit interruptions).
My husband and I have decided to simplify our life by selling our cabin. When we bought it we thought we would spend all kinds of time fishing, laying around in the hammock or drinking tropical drinks on the deck. In reality, we spent way more time cutting weeds and grass, cleaning, blowing out gutters, raking leaves (lots of mature oaks on the lot) not to mention putting in and taking out the dock and lift. We really don't need two homes to maintain so we are giving up the cabin.
As I get older, time seems to be flying by way too fast. I don't want to be sorry later in my life that I spent all of my time trying to "get things done". I want a balance of feeling I've accomplished what I wanted to do and yet got to have fun being lazy once in awhile. I want to measure things not by whether I checked them off my list but did they bring me any joy today?
So on Oct. 24 I am going to take back some time. I'm going to find time to play my piano and put away that to-do list for a little while!
A relaxing way to slow down time is to give your face a treat. Try one of Gathered's facial masks or steams.

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