Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Mother Theresa Instead of the News
As I get older I sometimes have trouble falling asleep. I read in a magazine that watching the evening news with it's depressing stories can cause a person to not be able to fall asleep. I also read on the website an interesting article about Mother Theresa and the news. It said:

It is said that just looking at Mother Teresa brings a person closer to a state of Grace. How much better if the world could look at a picture of her rather than the faces of murderers so often plastered over the news. Mother Teresa knew that great opportunities are rare and that the little opportunities that come our way every day provide the occasions for us to grow in love. We can respond with love in all the situations of life and practice compassion without counting the cost. And of course a spiritual practice of meditation or prayer can help prepare us to do everything with extraordinary love in each moment.

I probably won't be giving up watching the news before I go to bed. Instead, I'll meditate on Mother Theresa's words of love before I drift off to sleep and I'll say some prayers for the murderers and their victims. I'll think about those little opportunities that come my way to bring good news to others.

Speaking of good news--check out Gathered From the Garden's website. We've got some awesome Goat Milk and Honey Lotion. My niece says it's the only lotion that doesn't sting or burn her eczema!

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