Save Your Marriage in Five Minutes a Day by Bonnie Jacobson and Alexia Paul is a book about strategies to improve your marriage. The authors say that “a happy marriage is closer than you think!”Throughout the book the authors remind us that we cannot depend on others for our happiness.
The book feels like it was written to help anyone struggling with their marriage. While the ideas in the book would certainly help a marriage in trouble, they are also pertinent for a healthy marriage. Dr. Bonnie Jacobson does say in her introduction that these strategies will help a marriage that is floundering or flourishing.
The chapters are short and to the point. You can easily read a chapter, put the book down and reflect on that particular strategy. Then pick up the book at a later time and read another chapter. A lot of the strategies are just using common sense but I feel it’s good to be reminded of that.
The content of the chapters is generally inspiring. However, the accompanying stories about (true?) couples I found to be rather corny. I think the strategies would seem more creditable without the stories. I also feel that if you are paying attention as you are reading the chapter, the summary is not necessary. At the end of each chapter is a list of the Five Minute Strategies to try out. Most of them would be easy for the person reading the book to follow. Some would require your partner to read and participate.
I would recommend this book for anyone wanting ideas to strengthen a marriage. I’m not sure how helpful this book would be for someone in a struggling relationship .
(I was given this book to review by HarperCollins Christian Publishing. All opinions are my own.)
(I was given this book to review by HarperCollins Christian Publishing. All opinions are my own.)