Your Real Beauty For years I envied my tall, blond, thin sister-in-law. I was always a little on the plump side, average height and a brunette. My self-esteem was low all through high school and the beginning years of college. The media didn't help, suggesting that to be popular and well-liked you had to look like Twiggy. (Boy, am I dating myself!)
Although I am happy with my shape today, I think the media still presents an unrealistic standard for physical beauty. Statements related to negative body images are still one of the first things you hear from female adolescents. Fortunately, two new media programs are making positive steps toward helping females accept their bodies in a positive, realistic way.
One is the "Dove Campaign" website
( mothers and young daughters can use to discuss body image. There are articles and activities just for girls. There are also articles for Moms and Mentors. The other program is a new Lifetime TV show, "How to Look Good Naked".
( This show spotlights positive ways for women to view their body images.
I think a goal for us women is to help each other enhance and project our unique personal beauty, regardless of our body shape and size. We can improve our body image through the use of fashion and skin care tips and healthy lifestyles. Letting younger girls see us enjoying who we are instead of complaining about our bodies would be a great example for them! I also think they need to see us practicing healthy lifestyles too. What are your thoughts on this?