Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tired of the Evening News?

If you are like me, sometimes you just get tired of all of the bad news on tv, radio and the newspapers. I found a site that helps to combat that. It features only "happy news" and hence their site:

It's refreshing to just read about news that is uplifting. Check out their website and see what good things are happening today. By the way, have you done some giving today? See Monday's post...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Be Your Own "Giving" Goddess

On a website promoting women's businesses I read an article about giving. There is a movement called "29 Gifts". The idea is simple. Give something away every day for 29 days. The author's premise was that if you give-- you will also receive. You can sign up to join other givers at

Here is a quote from the website on why you should give:

"Why? Because to see the world change, we have to do something to change the world. Plus, the best way to attract abundance into your life is to be in a perpetual state of giving and gratitude. Be an important part of the global giving movement that inspires more generosity on our planet."

I have already signed up to commit to giving for the next 29 days. I don't think it will be that hard to think of something to give someone. I'm kind of excited to see what I can come up with and where it takes me! What do you think? Are you going to give it a try? You don't need to sign up (although they are trying to get 2000 people commited to this by the end of July). Let us know if you sign up and share any stories of your giving with us. If you need some good gift ideas to give others check out

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Just Some Personal Musings...
My son Jon from FL was here this week along with my daughter Rana from CO. Jon was scheduled to go to Afghanistan the first part of August so this was to be a trip to see family before he left. As it turns out he doesn't have to go with the mobile group of Marines. He may have to go in Sept. but that would be for a short duration probably to much safer Kabul. We realize the power of prayer and thank God! We had a great visit because that Afghanistan trip wasn't hanging over our heads!!
Even though my children are all grown it still is so incredible to have our whole family together again. Seeing everyone including my grandchildren and son-in-law around our kitchen table is overwhelming joy! Everyone should be so lucky.
Jon and Rana have gone back to their lives in FL and CO. Thank goodness for cell phones and email. (I haven't picked up texting yet!) I sure miss both of them but it's wonderful to stay in touch. I can't wait until they are "home" again.

Monday, July 21, 2008

"Hug Now, Don't Save It"

This is a quote from an article on David Pollay's blog. ( He writes an inspirational article every Monday morning. On this particular Monday he wrote about the importance of hugging and telling those important people in our lives that we love them. He says you never know if it will be the last chance you get.

I wish I had read this and thought about it earlier. I was at a graduation party for a niece on Sat. My parents were there along with a lot of other friends and relatives. What a great time it would have been for me to do some hugging. I'll have to really keep this in mind. (It really hit home as I found out that a colleague of mine lost her mother over the weekend.)

So, don't wait! Take an inventory of the important people in your life. Who do you love, but have not told recently?Choose at least one of these important people and tell them how much they mean to you, and how much you love them. And if it’s possible to see them in person this week, make sure to give them a hug; it could be one of the most important things you will ever do.

Along with a hug, how about a little something from Gathered From The Garden to show your love? Check out our website for great products.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just Plain Silly !
I'm still on the theme of aging...I read this on another blog and I thought it was hilarious! (and of course I had to try it!) 11 year olds say that the skin on your elbow is called a WEENUS (yeah, I know) and that it is a true indication of one's age. Oh, really? Well, if you straighten your arm and pull the fattest piece of that skin away from the body, the speed in which it retracts tells you RIGHT THERE if you are old. If I pull mine out, I have to kind of push it back, because it doesn't snap back very easily. It is slow going. So apparently I failed the young WEENUS test. I am officially old.
I suppose someone could do some research and come up with a formula to determine how fast your weenus should flatten out. Doesn't that sound like a gov't contract just waiting to go out...Anyway, give it a try. If nothing else, just learning a new word has been worth it!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BMI Index
Knowing your BMI is important, because the number indicates whether or not your weight is a threat to your health. The higher the BMI, the more health risks that you incur.
While it is generally accurate, the BMI can read too high for athletes or others with large, heavy muscles. Likewise, it can exaggerate low readings for frail older people who have lost muscle mass. The calculation is the same for both men and women.
If you go to you can find a BMI index that you can do online. It only takes a few seconds and asks for only two bits of information. It will then give you a range to see where your BMI falls.
I have been power-walking and doing a tiny bit of running each morning to try to get more fit. I was very surprised at how winded I became after a very, very short time of running. I've been at it for a few weeks and I can run a little further. At this point in my life, I am much happier with the power-walking! Have any of you changed your exercise program as you have aged?
You don't have to even leave your chair to go to our website to find great products! Check out or our blog at

Friday, July 11, 2008

Advice For the Young (or Young-at-Heart)

One thing that birthdays tend to make you do is some reflecting. Looking back at the past I know I can't change it but I can learn from it as I look to the future. The June 17 issue of Woman's Day magazine has an interesting article. It gives some advice that might have helped us navigate our youth "If only I knew then..."

Be kind instead of right. This is a great gift for yourself and others.
Wear sunscreen every day. You never think you are going to be that old woman with sunspots--guess again!
Don't be in such a rush. I can't believe time has gone by so quickly! How did I get to be this old? It snuck up on me! I really do need to stop and smell the roses!
If it isn't in your wallet, don't spend it. Use those credit cards wisely!
Love yourself first. Woman are often taught to always put others first. That's easy to do as a wife, mother, sister, (any of the hats you wear). It's really important to treat yourself the way you treat others. I didn't learn this lesson until I was older. It would have saved some heartache if I had learned it earlier.
Don't let anyone make you feel unequal. Being equals with friends or your spouse is the foundation of a good relationship.

These are just some of the pearls of wisdom found in the article. Do you have other advice for those young people reading my blog? Or maybe you young'uns have some advice for us! We'd love to hear from you.
Maybe another bit of advice would be to pamper yourself more. You've heard L'Oreal say "you are worth it". Here at Gathered From The Garden we believe that too. Check out our website for some awesome products to help put You first!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Conscious Aging-Plan

Ah, yes, the sands of time keep falling through that hour-glass! Can you tell I just had another birthday? Time to reflect on the aging process and look ahead to another year.

Tracy Gaudet, M.D. is the author of several books, including Body, Soul and Baby and Consciously Female. She has put together a "Conscious-Aging Plan". Her plan includes these 5 steps:

1. Know your preconceptions. What's your image of an older woman? 10 years older than you? 20 years older? 30 years? What are your greatest fears about your own aging. Take time to explore these...I think my greatest fear is not being able to take care of myself.

2. Do a reality check. Think about the older people that you know and love to be around. What is it about them that you admire? Do you know anyone in their 80's or 90's that is still full of vitality, has a sharp mind and is filled with joy?

3.Visualize your future. Imagine yourself at age 90 vital and glowing--someone that others would like to be around. What does it feel like? What do you look like? How do you feel? Imagine yourself to be the oldest person around that young people gravitate to. Give yourself permission to think of this possibility as reality!

4. Make a list. Think about how many years are between you and 90. How much do you have to ask of your body? What changes could you make in your life that would support your body as it ages? Make a list of these changes.

5. Start now. Look at your list and choose one thing you'd like to work on. Think of it as a baby step that will start you in this direction and go for it! I think I need to work at keeping my mind sharp--more crossword puzzles or maybe learning a new craft. My memory is not as sharp as I'd like it to be.

I don't love the fact that my body is aging but I am ok with it. I feel I am a much more interesting and smarter person now than when I was younger. I've had a lot of life experiences to draw from and I love the fact that I have become a grandmother! I guess embracing aging will make the years ahead possibly my healthiest, most vital and joyous yet.

One of the things that also gives me joy is making and using products from Gathered From The Garden. Check out our website:

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Your Real Beauty

For years I envied my tall, blond, thin sister-in-law. I was always a little on the plump side, average height and a brunette. My self-esteem was low all through high school and the beginning years of college. The media didn't help, suggesting that to be popular and well-liked you had to look like Twiggy. (Boy, am I dating myself!)
Although I am happy with my shape today, I think the media still presents an unrealistic standard for physical beauty. Statements related to negative body images are still one of the first things you hear from female adolescents. Fortunately, two new media programs are making positive steps toward helping females accept their bodies in a positive, realistic way.
One is the "Dove Campaign" website ( mothers and young daughters can use to discuss body image. There are articles and activities just for girls. There are also articles for Moms and Mentors. The other program is a new Lifetime TV show, "How to Look Good Naked".( This show spotlights positive ways for women to view their body images.
I think a goal for us women is to help each other enhance and project our unique personal beauty, regardless of our body shape and size. We can improve our body image through the use of fashion and skin care tips and healthy lifestyles. Letting younger girls see us enjoying who we are instead of complaining about our bodies would be a great example for them! I also think they need to see us practicing healthy lifestyles too. What are your thoughts on this?