Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wise Tips For Living

I read about a woman who lived to be 91 and her husband to be 100. Her name was Helen Nearing. She was a great pioneer of simple living. Helen had eleven wonderfully wise tips for living not only a less stressful life, but for living in a more connected and organic way.
Here are some of her tips:

1. Do the best you can, whatever arises.

2. Be at peace with yourself.

3. Find a job you enjoy.

4. Live in simple conditions; housing, food, clothing; get rid of clutter.

5. Contact nature every day; feel the earth under your feet.

6. Take physical exercise through hard work; through gardening or walking.

7. Don’t worry; live one day at a time.

8. Share something every day with someone else; if you live alone, write someone; give something away; help someone else somehow.

9. Take time to wonder at life and the world; see some humor in life where you can.

10. Observe the one life in all things.

11. Be kind to the creatures.

What a truly wise blueprint for living! I know that I need to get rid of clutter--in my home and even in my mind sometimes! I think if you nurture plants and animals you can't help but nurture humans too. The one that hit me the most was to share something with someone else every day. I thought that would be really easy but when I started to work on it--sometimes I had to really think about what I wanted to give and to whom. I should have just started with something easy like a smile but I wanted it to be a little more meaningful for me and the person I was sharing with. I am going to try to add more of these tips to my life.

Something you could share with someone else is any one of our Gathered From The Garden products. They are bound to put a smile on your special someone's face. Check out our website at

Monday, May 14, 2007

Walking Prayer

I was reading about a "Walking Prayer" on the website. It reminded me of a little prayer that I say every morning. I wish someone (could be someone I know or someone I just came into contact with...) love and kindness on this day. I try to send positive energy their way. The "Walking Prayer" is somewhat similar. Here is the article from Care2...

Adapted from Peace to All Beings, by Judy Carman (Lantern Books, 2003).
What a beautiful concept: to spread loving peace with every step. The Native American teacher, Oh Shinnah, says that city sidewalks contain many fragments of crystals, and that these crystals pick up the frame of mind, heart, and spirit with which we walk on them and then transmit them to others. If we keep this in mind, Simple Giving becomes an even more powerful practice.
SIMPLE SOLUTION: Find out how to do this simple walking prayer.

As you pass people, animals, trees, or any beings, silently send out love from your heart. Be aware that the Great Spirit is continually pouring Unconditional Love through you to everyone you see and through everyone else as well. However, it’s up to us to take that vibratory energy and willingly project it out to others. Watch your thoughts, let judgments go, and just feel love, serenity, and joy radiating out to all who come near you.

It is easier to be in this giving vibratory state when you are silent. Once you begin to communicate verbally with others, it becomes more difficult. But the silent giving exercise helps us all to develop the ability so that we can use it when we are talking as well.

This is so simple! I read one of the comments on the Care2 site and they said wouldn't it be wonderful to start an International Gratitude Walk for Peace and Love. And there's the saying-- what goes around, comes around. All this positive energy and love would come back to you! I'm going to try to add this to my walks--want to join me in sending out good wishes to others? Let me know what you think!
To keep your feet sweet on those walks, check out Gathered From The Garden's "Tired Tootsies" foot products.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Silence is Golden!

Working in a school situation there seems to be little time for silence. We do have a quiet period of silent reading each day but for some kids that is extremely painful! I think we are assaulted by noise all day long and for some of us perhaps even at night. It's no wonder our stress levels are high.
I have a 35 minute commute to work each day. When I am driving, I listen to the news for about 10 minutes then I turn the radio off. I use that quiet time to plan my day (or on the way home to destress) or say some extra prayers. I carpool with two fellas for which I am grateful especially now with rising gas prices. However, when they drive the radio is on--sometimes to a game, a talk radio show or just loud music. On these days I can tell that by the time I get home I really crave some peace and quiet.
There is a website that has an inspirational movie and words about silence from Mother Theresa. She said so many things in nature are silent. (flowers, grass, the sun and moon). She also said that you need silence to hear God. How true!
Here's the website:
Gathered From The Garden has some lovely bath teas that are perfect for destressing at the end of a hectic day. Just add them to your bath and soak your cares away. A silent time in the bath maybe just what you've needed! Check out our website: